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What Will It Take?

The poem by Edgar Guest was one of my grandmother's favorites. I have fond memories of her bookshelves, her rambling farm house on 94 acres, her quiet way of tending her gardens, her grandchildren, her boarders, her chickens and my even quieter grandfather.

In these not-so-quiet days, it is essential to remain open and informed, to also know when to stop with the information gathering, to view our lives as our homes, and to tend our spiritual natures.

It takes a heap of livin' and lovin' and losin' before we can begin navigating life from an inner place of knowing. Certainly part of the grace of our lives is lived by deepening our knowledge of self,and God, and to create lives based on wise choice.

The government can't tend our spirits. Neither can our beloved spouses or children or partners or friends or neighbors. Whether you have family addiction or other difficulties (political or otherwise) to navigate, it's a "heap o' livin'" that comes to teach us wisdom and broaden our hearts.

So our biggest challenge is often just based in accepting ownership of our own deep stories. Yes it takes a "heap o' livin'" but you can always begin where you are. Today. Right now.

A brief writing exercise to challenge and enlighten. In three short paragraphs answer the following: Who Am I? What Have I Learned? What Do I Need To Do To Create More Peace?

Your life. Your home. Your right to change what you can, to accept the challenge of loving the life you've been given and to pay it forward.


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